This piece is inspired by a fortuitous visit one day of a similar bird who showed nothing but polite indifference, and a bottle of talc powder sitting around in my room.
Word count: 2400
Summary: In the language of flowers, magnolia means 'love of nature'. Who knew?
morning a bird came to my window and spoke to me. “Beware of the Liliflora,” it
said. Before I could ask the bird what it meant by the ominous warning, it had
flown away.
kept on replaying the scene in my mind few dozens times over the next two days,
but I still couldn’t understand the bird’s words. I didn’t even know what Liliflora
meant. When I searched the term on the internet, I only got entries on magnolias
and the closest I’d ever been to the flower was through my talcum powder. Did
this mean I have to be wary of talcum powder from now on?