Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cooking with Dog!

If there's one YouTube channel that I think is mandatory for everybody to see, it is Cooking With Dog. The reason why I'm making such a statement is because this channel has succeeded in doing what other people have failed to do so far: making me want to cook.

Notice the emphasis on cooking. Usually when I watch a cooking show, at the end of it I'll say, "Oh boy, I want to eat that!" but never "Dang, now I want to try it making it myself!".

Cooking with Dog makes easy-to-follow, step-by-step videos that teaches you how to cook homemade Japanese food. Nothing fancy here, no flaming skillet or super knife skills needed. As long as you have taste buds and a kitchen, you can do whatever they do. Oh, having a Japanese or Asian supermarket near your place is an advantage because you'll need at least some basic ingredients such as cooking sake, hon-mirin and bonito dashi. Everything else, be creative! (Of course this is the part where you don't take me too seriously. My creativity in the kitchen has been a subject of ridicule for years due to the extent of which I substitute one ingredient with another, e.g. egg for water)

On each video, they'll post a list of ingredients in English and Japanese. The instruction itself is narrated by Francis, a cute grey French poodle with superb English. The Chef is a sweet, middle-aged Japanese lady whose deft hands can lull me to dream-like state whatever they are doing, be it cutting onions, mixing soy sauce and dashi stock, or simply just stirring a pot. Her movements in the kitchen are precise and efficient, and they will tell you why they do certain things. For example: when dicing onions, the easiest way is to cut along it but take care to leave the root attached. Rotate 90 degrees then make cuts perpendicular to the initial ones. Finally slice the onion from the end cut and voila! Straight away you'll have diced onions.

See? They got me excited about cutting onions.

I have so far tried three of their recipes: Chawanmushi, Pork Shogayaki and donuts. I'm happy to report that all have been a success, and I'm especially happy with the chawanmushi because it tastes better than what I had in some 'Japanese' restaurant. I will share with you the video here:

If you like Japanese home cooking, do yourself a favor. Try this one out! And of course, watch Cooking with Dog!

Oh, one thing. The channel may be in hiatus right now because they reported that the Chef got into a rather serious accident in January. She's currently in rehabilitation. I wish her a speedy recovery and hopefully she will be back all healthy, all pumped up again to cook! Man, I miss her already!


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