Thursday, October 4, 2012

On Sleep

 There's a sickening lurch in my stomach that always coincides with the tides of pressure behind my right eyeball whenever I stay awake past one in the morning. I suppose this is a way my body signals sleep deprivation, a sort of second alert of the impending crash that will happen sooner or later.

The pressure on the eyeball, I can take. But the nausea? I'm a slave to its whims and I know the only way to stop it is to lie down and try to get a shut eye. It doesn't matter that after the eyelids close I still see images in my head, running around, screwing each other, colliding and getting tangled in a mess that cross stories and genres. It matters not. Sleep will come, dreams may or may not, and the nausea will be gone.

Whenever I sleep, I always strive to wake up as naturally and as early as possible. But that's actually a lofty goal because my inner clock is skewed towards the unnatural after years of practiced insomnia.

So I wake up groggy, most of the time, tight-lipped and cursing inwardly (because it just ruins the whole day when your first utterance first thing in the morning/just before noon is a loud, "Fuck!").

Despite all that, I like sleep. Sleep's my friend. Sleep is where I meet interesting things, where my brain shakes itself loose and goes woo-hoo on me. Sleep is nice.

Having said all that, I'm going to bed now.

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